Sunday, December 21, 2008

Chasing Opportunity

I am a dreamer
Who has chased
Countless dreams
And will do so again.
I seldom worked a normal job
With a fixed salary,
Or a definable pay scale.
I have struggled
As a consequence,
Sometimes making a lot,
And often very little,
Yet it was a sacrifice
That I was willing to make.
Everything I pursued
Contained an opportunity
For something big,
And although they often failed
To materialize as I envisioned,
I never stopped
Shooting for the moon.
I never accepted
A settle-for-life
With a future secured.
Maybe that is what others want,
Or think they want,
But that is not for me.
I am willing to work very hard,
To risk everything I have
For any opportunity
I perceive as real.

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