Monday, November 17, 2008

Purchasing a Car

I have bought quite a few cars
Over the years
Yet I don’t suppose
That buying one
Will ever become
A routine experience.
Certainly no car purchase
Will ever come up to
The emotional charge
Of the very first one,
But each one is unique.
I have bought new cars
And I have bought used cars,
I have bought cars from a dealer
And cars from private parties,
I have bought cars that worked
And cars that didn’t,
Yet each car I bought
Reflected something of me.
I know there are
A lot of cars out there
That would never find an owner
If everyone thought like me.
There are certain colors
That I won’t even consider,
And there are certain styles
That have no appeal
To me at all.
Fortunately or unfortunately
For the car manufacturers,
There is a type person
For almost every car ever made.
Reliability and safety
Are major issues with me.
Comfort is also a consideration.
I like a smooth ride
With the power to get up and move.
I like to have a lot of variety
To choose from,
But I don’t like
Pushy sales people.
I am not much of a bargain shopper
So I probably pay more than I have to,
But I sure like the feeling
Of driving that new car.
Purchasing a car
Is still an adventure for me.

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