Monday, November 10, 2008

Fortune Teller

It’s not that I am
A believer in such things,
But all my life
I have been intrigued
By the mystics
And clairvoyants
Of the world,
And secretly wondered
What they might predict
For or about me.
My curiosity finally
Got the better of me,
And I visited one
The other day.
She started with
Some broad generalizations
That could have applied
Equally to me
As well as to anyone else,
Then proceeded into
Some intricate specifics.
She was way off base
On a few things,
But all in all,
She read my character
Fairly well.
She saw a dark haired lady
Becoming a part of my life,
And oddly enough,
That was the only part
I cared about anyway.
The fortune teller
Left me hoping
She was right,
But the question
She didn’t answer
Was when was this
Supposed to happen!

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