Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Mischievous Side

There is a goofy,
Smart-alecky side of me
That comes out best
When I am feeling
On top of the world.
I might play with
The words I speak
So that there is
A double meaning
To what I say.
If someone is struggling
To come up with
The exact word they want,
I am apt to suggest
One totally opposite
Of what they intend.
If somebody asks
If they can go
To the bathroom,
I will emphatically
Say NO! just to see
Their reaction.
Around the people
I am most comfortable with,
I tend to poke fun at
Anything and everything
With completely
Irreverent humor,
And more often then not
My friends will
Join me with similar comments
Of their own.
I tend to elicit that a lot
From the people around me,
And that is probably why
We call ourselves friends.

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