Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Communiy College System

Back in the United States
I got used to having
Community colleges available
Almost everywhere.
They are places where
Students can pursue
A more economical education,
And they can often get
A two-year Associates of Arts
Degree that will get them
Into the job market
Far quicker than going through
A full university program.
The colleges usually offer
Flexible programs and courses
That allow students to
Work around their work schedule,
But they do much more than that.
They allow students to pursue
Special interests they have
Without the necessity
Of getting a degree in that field.
If someone is interested in
Fields as diverse as
Photography, cooking, weaving,
Pottery, acting, writing, journalism
Or even archeology,
They can take classes
In their area of interest.
This is just simple recognition
That education is a life long process,
And that people
Who act on their passions
Tend to be a lot happier
Than those who don’t.
More and more people
In the United States are opting
For community colleges
Over universities simply because
They can’t afford the latter.
Here in Turkey, and in fact,
Throughout most of the world,
There are no community colleges,
Nothing to compete with
The University system.
There is also very little
Available as far as
Continuing education,
And almost no flexibility
For people to consider
A change of occupation.
The community colleges
Are great for those people
You have a profession,
But want to try something else.
Students can even study
Foreign languages there.
If someone wants
To look to the future
Here in Turkey,
I believe that someday
Community colleges
Will be introduced
And become popular
Simply because
People need alternatives.

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