Friday, January 30, 2009

Big Shrimp, Little Shrimp

I enjoy going fishing
Whenever I get a chance.
It is one of
The simple pleasures of life
That I seldom
Take the time to do,
But on one such rare occasion,
I decided to fish
From a bridge
There in Miami, Florida
Late one night.
In doing so
I joined the ranks of shrimpers
Who were out in force
With their lanterns aglow
Attracting the shrimp
To their waiting nets.
What was amusing to me,
But probably not for them,
Was that the bait I was using
Were jumbo shrimp
Which made the shrimp
They were catching
Look positively puny.
There they were
Working so hard
To collect their catch
And I was throwing in
Shrimp four times the size of theirs
To try to catch a fish.

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