Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What Must It Be Like

Can you imagine
What it must be like
For a mail order bride?
The fears she must face
When she is leaving home,
The only place she has ever known,
To go to someplace strange
And to meet some man
From a far away land,
Who may treat her well
But then again, who may not.
How scary that must be!
Burdened with thoughts
That she may never see
Her family again,
The courage it must take,
To cast her fate
To the luck of the draw.
Will the man like her?
Will she like him?
They may have
Corresponded briefly
But what will he
Really be like?
She must trust
The hand of fate
With her life!
That can't be easy,
But sometimes it is
The only way out
Of the situations
And circumstances
They face back home.

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