Friday, November 28, 2008

The Scorned Lover

The fact was
That she had found
Someone else,
And the relationship
Was now over,
But he couldn’t
Deal with that.
He tore himself apart,
Abusing himself relentlessly
For ever having trusted,
Raging that she
Was in the arms
Of someone else.
He cursed
The day he met her,
Mentally destroying
The value of everything
They had together.
His misery knew no bounds
And he dreamed
Of punishing her
For her alleged wrongs.
He wished her great harm
And fanaticized
About strangling her himself.
In every story he told,
He was the innocent victim.
He wallowed in the trough
Of those wretched feelings
For months on end
Punishing no one but himself.
He wondered why
She refused to come back
When what he really wanted
Was to make her to beg
So that he could turn her away.
Besides, everything about him
That she had once loved
Had been destroyed,
The victim of his anger,
But he could not see
Who he had become
Or his part
In the way things were.

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