Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Roman Carriage

My youngest daughter, Ruby
Has always been
Fascinated with horses
And rides every chance she gets.
She also loves to ride
In a horse drawn carriage
Whenever one is available.
Her dream has always been
To find one that would really run,
But most of them just plod along.
It was in Rome that her dream
Finally came true
With a driver that understood
Her need for speed.
When Ruby asked
How fast we could go,
He smiled and asked her
If she would like to see.
We careened through the streets
Like madmen
Darting in-between
And around the cars,
Taking turns on two wheels,
Scattering pedestrians,
Locals and tourists alike,
During a thirty minute
Rampage through the city.
I looked at Ruby’s eyes
And they were as big as saucers.
She was clearly excited
For she had met a kindred spirit
In that insane but obliging driver.

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