Friday, November 14, 2008

Pestering Pelican

It was not
What I would call
A beautiful bird,
And probably not
All that smart either,
But it sure knew
A fish when it saw it
And it wanted that fish.
Now I don’t know
If the guy and the bird
Understood each other or not,
But he sure came up with
A bird brained idea
That reminded me
Of some stunts
I have pulled
A time or two.
He took a fish
And pretended to
Put it into the pocket
Of the girl he was with.
That stupid bird

Fell for the bait
And chased her
All over the pier.
It didn't help matters
That the bird was
Practically 3/4 her size.
I imagine she had
A few choice words
To say to him
After it was over!

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