Monday, November 10, 2008

Four-Leaf Clover

If the Irish are lucky,
And some of them are,
Then maybe there is
Something to their lore
About the four-leaf clover
Being a fortuitous charm.
Those clovers are not
At all easy to find,
Camouflaged as they usually are
By their three-leaf brethren,
But in my unbridled youth,
I may have hogged
Far more than my share,
For I found the mother lode
Of all clover patches.
It was a small isolated clump
Made up almost exclusively
Of the fabled four-leaf clovers.
I ransacked that patch,
Picking those clovers
And preserving them
In Scotch Tape.
I still occasionally find
A few of those old clovers
Encased in yellowed tape
Stuck between the pages
Of some of my old books.
I don’t know if those clovers
Really helped or not,
But I will tell you this,
I have gotten “lucky”
A time or two
In the last fifty years,
So maybe they had
Something to do with that.
As for the little clump,
It didn’t fare so well
Under my onslaught,
Or maybe I stole
All its luck.

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