Friday, October 17, 2008

Father and Daughter Reunited

His wife and he
Had gone separate ways
A long time ago,
And they had a daughter
He never really got to know
Who had just come
To live with him.
His eyes glistened
As he talked about her
His love for and pride in
His daughter were obvious.
He had spent three hours
Talking with her earlier,
And he still glowed
From the encounter.
I gathered he had been alone
For a long, long time,
And conversations that mattered
Had been few and far between.
He was a man
Who had apparently encountered
Many hardships,
With few, if any, victories
He could call his own,
But his daughter’s presence
Was total vindication
For all he had endured,
And for the moment,
She was all that mattered
In the world.

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