Monday, February 16, 2009

Spirited Sidewalk Beauty

Maybe you were just
An easy going girl,
The perfect stranger
Out for an afternoon stroll,
But there was something
About your style,
And the unmistakable
Way you were
That riveted my attention.
You won me over
In a moment’s glance,
Yet what could I have seen
That told me
So much about you,
And made me hunger
To know you better.
I think it might have been
The radiance of your smile,
And the twinkle in your eye
That I first noticed,
But it could easily have been
The proud and confident
Way you walked,
Oblivious to the many
Heads you turned,
Or the simple elegance
Of the clothes you wore,
Which emphasized the slender
Contours of your body.
There was a spirit about you,
A playful aliveness,
Missing in most others I see,
That captivate me completely,
And set my foolish mind to dreaming.

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