Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pumpkin Personalities

October is the month
When we used to take the kids
To the pumpkin patch
At one of the local farms.
It was always a lot of fun
For adults and kids alike.
There were hay rides
And farm animals to pet
And all kinds of pumpkins
To choose from.
The farmer always planted
A huge field of pumpkins
And each person was challenged
To pick the one
He or she liked best.
It was fascinating to watch
How different people
Went about choosing
The pumpkin that was right for them.
There were so many pumpkins
Of such varied size,
Character and shape,
That the choosing
Could be quite involved.
Some people would go for
The biggest one they could find,
Far bigger than they could carry.
Others seemed to feel sorry
For the tiny ones
And collected those.
Still others looked for
The oddest shape,
Taking pity on the sorriest ones.
Then there were the perfectionists
Finding a suitable one
Then searching throughout
The entire field
Trying to find a better one.
Some people chose
Those closest at hand
While others seemed to think
The farther away, the better.
There is definitely psychology involved,
And each person
Appears to have
A distinct pumpkin personality.

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