Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My World

Of all the many gifts
That I have been given,
The one I appreciate most
Is the ability to find
Countless forms of beauty
In the world around me.

My world is filled
With magnificent mysteries
Worthy of my inquiry,
Fascinating intricacies,
Amazing coincidences
And limitless possibilities.

Each day is an opportunity
To explore and to discover,
To test the limits of what I know,
To challenge myself
And the world around me
And to learn a thing or two.

I live in a constantly changing world
Where spontaneity is a virtue,
Where even the best laid plans
Must continually be adjusted,
A world where I have learned to play
And not take life so seriously.

It is a world filled with people
Of infinite variety
And each person
Has a story to tell,
Some wisdom to pass on
If I will only listen.

Hidden beneath coarse exteriors
And elaborate artificial barriers
Are real people worth knowing,
Artisans of creative inspiration,
People of unimagined genius
And ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Most of those I meet
Seem to march to the beat
Of a different drummer than I,
And each unique rhythm
Contributes to the cadence
Of the music of my life.

There are times of harmony
When I am present
To love, peace and joy
And the serenity they bring,
And times of discord
When I am totally out of tune.

When I open my eyes
What I am present to is
The soft sensuality of a woman,
The fire of romance,
The magic of partnership
And the ecstasy of life.

When I open my ears
What I am present to is
The power of acknowledgment,
The generosity of friendship,
And the sound of real communication
And the fulfillment it provides.

When I open my heart
What I am present to is
Abundance in every form,
The gift of being human,
The glory of being alive
And the words of a poem.

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