Friday, January 23, 2009

Passage to the South Pacific

My brother, Lee, and I
Were driving past
White Sands Beach
On the Island of Hawaii
When we spotted
A couple hitchhikers
Standing along the side
Of the road.
After we picked them up,
They regaled us
With an outlandish tale
Of being crew members
Aboard a majestic,
Old-time sailing ship
Anchored nearby
In Kealakekua Bay,
And coincidentally,
They were looking
For more crew members
For a voyage
To the Island of Fiji.
When we stopped by
My aunt’s house,
On the way down
To check out the boat,
She was invited as well.
They proposed to charge us
Five hundred dollars each
For food and provisions
For the trip,
And we gladly anted up,
Not the least bit concerned
That the boat violated
Almost all Coast Guard regulations.
In fact it was lost at sea
For three days
On a test sail out of the harbor,
And there was a significant possibility
It had sunk somewhere out there
In the Middle of the Pacific.
That was a real tragedy
As far as my brother and I
Were concerned because
We had recruited a couple
Of the best looking girls on the island
To go with us,
And when the boat disappeared
Without a trace,
Their parents wisely refused
To let them sail with us.
My aunt, my brother and I
All went anyway.

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