Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday's Transformation

It had been clear
For a long time
That the job
Wasn’t right for him.
It was a battle
Every morning
To get up
And out the door.
Monday was the day
He dreaded most,
And Friday never seemed
To come fast enough.
Though he hated the job,
He stayed
Week after week,
Month after month,
Stewing in silent discontent.
He dreamed of starting
His own business,
But didn’t have
The courage
To cut the umbilical cord
That sustained him.
He was good at
Looking busy,
So they tolerated him
As he tolerated them.
The truth was
He had started sneaking
Personal projects in,
And working on them
During company time,
Hoping to get
A business going,
But the burden of guilt
Over that dishonesty
Gave him no peace.
When he finally got
The gumption
To hand in his resignation,
And was able to
Legitimately concentrate
On what he wanted to do,
The rewards
Were more than he
Could ever have imagined.
The income on which he was
So dependent
Was quickly exceeded,
But even more important,
With his conscience clear,
He found he could
Sleep at night,
And his resistance
To getting up
Had vanished.
Suddenly he couldn’t wait
For Monday to come.

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