Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Grip of Insanity

Much of her life has been spent
Muddled in confusion.
She tried to make
Sense of the world
For the longest time,
But gave up in frustration,
Concluding the logic of the universe,
If there is any,
Is beyond her comprehension.
It is a mystery to her
Why others act the way they do
Or even what
They are talking about
Most of the time.
People can’t help but notice
How her answers
Seem oddly disconnected
From the questions asked,
And it is difficult to follow
Much of what she says,
Yet she babbles on incessantly,
As if trying to communicate
From another world.
She appears to be
Locked in a private reality,
A world seldom illuminated
By the light of understanding.
She lives in a constant state
Of overwhelmed confusion
Commonly called insanity.
At the core of her illness
Is an underlying belief
That nothing makes sense,
And I wonder,
If that notion could be transformed,
What cure might be possible.

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