Thursday, January 8, 2009

Coincidental Encounter

You can never tell
Who you might bump into
Or where it could lead you.
Sometimes chance encounters
Have a way of opening doors
You never knew existed,
Or occurring at opportune moments
Leaving you scratching your head
And wondering if they were
Really coincidental after all.
Such was the case
With a young artist
Interested in metal sculpturing.
Since he had no experience
Working with metal,
It seemed he would have to
Go back to school to learn
Metal working techniques,
But an accidental encounter
Gave him a better option.
He had a minor fender bender
With a guy who works
For a metal fabrication shop,
One that manufactures
Metal sculptures
Like he wants to produce.
He ended up getting
A job through the guy
As an apprentice welder.
It was a situation
Which allowed him to get paid
While he learned the art
And he could not have obtained
A better education.
Maybe there is a reason
We bump into the people we do!

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