Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The ALmost Forgotten Aphrodisiac

He had been profusely poetic
In his younger days,
Especially when his future wife
And him were first dating.
With the inspiration
Of their college romance,
Words poured out effortlessly
Reflecting the heat of their passion.
Each time she came to his door,
There would be a new poem waiting,
Written just for her.
The poetry worked its magic,
And two of them became one,
And from that relationship,
Three daughters were born.
The poems were tucked away,
An almost forgotten aphrodisiac.
As their daughters grew up,
Life seemed to have a way
Of imposing responsibilities
Which grew into obligations
That didn’t allow him the time
To write any more.
He was surprised to discover
That his youngest daughter
Had secretly been reading his poems.
I imagine she liked finding
A side of her father,
She had never known before.
She may have thought
Some of the lines
Were kind of corny,
But I bet she enjoyed
The passion of his words.

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