Saturday, December 27, 2008


I am always intrigued
By people who overcome
Tremendous obstacles in their lives
To accomplish great things.
Trish is one of those people.
She caught my eye
In Toastmasters
A few years back
When she did a demonstration
Of the West Coast Swing.
She is a stunning redheaded beauty
Whose poise and grace on the floor,
Was accented by
The dance outfit she wore.
What I didn’t know at the time
Was that only a few years before,
She was barely able to walk.
She had tripped
Over a vacuum hose in her house,
Fallen and broken her hip.
The damage so severe
That the doctors told her
That she would never walk again,
But they didn’t take into account
The force of her determination!
She was eventually able
To walk with a cane,
But that wasn’t enough for her.
She took up dancing
As a form of physical therapy,
And it took her three years of hard work
Before she could cross
Her left leg over her right.
Nevertheless, she kept at it
And eventually went on to compete in
National dance competition.
I suppose every person
Who has the gumption to excel
Overcomes some element of adversity
To do so,
But I am still inspired
Each time I witness it.

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