Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Philosophy of Life

There is a philosophy of life
That I have come to believe
Which states that life is simple,
That there is nothing
Inherently difficult in life,
Except that thinking makes it so.

I seek the intrinsic simplicity
That I perceive to be there
In all that I do
And all that I see,
And question
Any difficulty that arises.

I have come to examine
The way I think
To get to the source
Of each obstacle
That I encounter,
Each challenge I face.

Even the most complicated system
At heart is simple
If I only understand
The mechanisms
By which it works,
Its laws of dynamics.

A human being is much the same,
Each a complex beast
Whose motivations I strain to comprehend,
Yet I hold that
These underlying principles are there too
Whether I see them or not.

When I take a project on
And challenges occur
I usually find
That the obstacle is me,
And only when I step out of the way,
Can I see how to get the job done.

I suppose if I were to put it simply,
There is a solution to every problem
Either under, over, around or through
That I can usually discover
If I don’t convince myself
Of the difficulty before I get there.

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