Monday, November 24, 2008

Suspended Animation

Now imagine if you can,
A whole bunch of us
Sleep walking through life,
Indifferent to outcome,
Apathetic about the future
Unconcerned for purpose,
Disengaged from each other,
Spiritually uninspired,
Emotionally unattached,
Going through the motions,
And pretending to be alive.
If you were to suddenly awaken
And discover a world like that,
Would you even try
To resurrect the apparent dead?
Could real people
Actually live like that?
What if such a state
Of suspended animation
Was the norm
Rather than the exception,
Would you bother
Trying to wake people up?
Would you even care?
Would you be as indifferent to them
As they are to you?
How fully awake
Is the world in which you live?
Hopefully, you count yourself
Among the living!

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