Monday, November 24, 2008

Subterranean Candy Store

From my daughters’ perspective,
One of the most
Memorable events
Of our Munich stay
Was the time they discovered
The subterranean candy store.
I had worn my self out
Wandering the streets,
Taking in the sights
And sounds of the city,
But they still had
Energy to burn.
I went up to rest
While they went down.
It turned out there was
A subway station
Across from the guest house
Where we were staying,
And two floors down
They found their Mecca.
The shop was a cornucopia
Of colorful candies,
Many varieties of which
They had never seen before.
The two of them
Bought what they figured
Was a week’s supply
Of candied treats,
But their treasure
Only lasted them
Halfway back to the lodge,
And I ended up with
Two hyper young girls
On a profound sugar high.

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