Thursday, October 23, 2008

Who You Are For Me

You were born
To make a difference
In the world.
You are as human
As they come,
But you won’t
Let that stop you.
You are convinced
There is a purpose
To the trials
And tribulations
You face,
That you are being trained
For something great,
Though you have no idea
What that might be.
You have a heart
Filled with compassion,
And a keen sense
Of right and wrong.
You sometimes rave
At seeming injustices.
You thirst for knowledge,
And seek to understand
Why things are
The way they are.
You have the courage
Of your convictions,
The willingness to stand up
And be heard.
You have pride,
You have passion
And idiosyncrasies too.
You have a way
Of doing things,
A style all your own.
There is a vitality about you,
A determinedness
To make every moment count,
Not to miss a thing.
You are a dreamer
In pursuit of all
Life has to offer.
Your antics enrich my life
And I take pleasure in
Calling you my friend.

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