Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Spirit of Africa

He was born in a humble village
In a far away land,
But although he had left there
More than 30 years before,
The spirit of his people
Still pulsed through his veins.
He had been one
Of the fortunate few
Who had managed to escape
The grinding poverty,
Hunger and depravation
That had sapped the will
Of those who remained.
He had gone on,
And against incredible odds,
Obtained a first rate education,
And had done very well for himself.
He vowed when he left
That he would return
And give back to his people,
And the time had come.
It was still a land
Encumbered by poverty,
Periodic famine,
Floods and drought,
War and perhaps
Most devastating of all,
Political corruption,
But the spirit of Africa
Is something
People are born with,
And never loose.
They may leave,
But their hearts
Stay behind,
And in their dreams
Lie the hope
For a better tomorrow.

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