Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Slug Bug Game

Among the many ways
My kids entertained
Themselves and us
Was the Slug Bug Game.
A Slug Bug is a
Volkswagen Beetle,
An extremely popular car
Back in the 60’s and early 70’s.
I had three of them
In my college days.
They haven’t been sold
Here in the United States
For twenty years or more,
So they are considered classics.
They came in a variety of colors
Including red, yellow,
Blue and green.
There are still a number
Of those old cars around
And our kids made a game
Of finding them.
The first child to spot one
Would yell “Red slug bug,
No punch back,”
If it was red,
Then proceed to hit the other.
Down each road and alley
They would search
As we drove along,
Vigilant and alert,
Each one trying to beat
The other to the punch.

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