Thursday, October 30, 2008

Geniuses in Everyday Life

There is a level
Of communication possible
Between people
That goes far beyond
The limits of normal conversation,
That explores entirely
New and uncharted territory,
And generates ideas
Never previously imagined.
In such a discussion,
A synergy develops,
Creating a master mind
Far more intelligent
And insightful than
Any single individual
Within the group.
Such a conversation
Always appears miraculous,
Leaving each participant in awe
Of the possibilities invented.
It’s a conversation of exploration
Between equals,
Where no one knows the answers,
Where “What if!” is explored
In all its ramifications.
Such conversations
Unfortunately are generally rare,
But they are frequently
Remembered as being
Pivotal in our lives.
What if you or I could generate
That extraordinary level
Of communication at will
Such that it became normal?
What then would be possible?
What if a business
Or an organization
Could foster such discussions
On a regular basis?
Might that group of people
Somehow change
The course of history?
If that could happen,
It would create a world
Where anything is possible,
Where each of us
Would show up as
Geniuses in everyday life.
That certainly appears to be
An idea worth exploring.

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