Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Coach's Creed

I speak from my heart
And pour out my soul
Not knowing which words to use,
Yet trusting the perfection
Of the ones that come,
That they will covey
What needs to be said
To encourage you on.

I listen to your every word,
Noting precisely what you say,
And equally as important,
What you don’t.
I observe the subtleties of language,
How you say
What you say,
And where that leaves you.

I see in you
The potential to be great,
And confidently assert
That somewhere inside you
Is the will to carry on,
The courage to succeed,
The heart of a champion,
All that it takes to win.

I am not here
To tell you what to do
Or how to do it.
Your problems
Are not mine to solve.
You can do that yourself.
I am simply a dedicated observer
Telling you what I see.

As your coach
I sense where you resist,
Where you get overwhelmed
And normally falter,
Or fail to follow through
On what you say
You are committed to,
And I call you to account.

I am your coach
And I believe in you
Even when you stop
Believing in yourself.
I will be there for you,
Through the good times
And the bad,
Supporting you all the way.

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